Title: If I Ran
the Rainforest
Author: Bonnie
Publishing Company:
Random House
Copyright Date:
# of Pages: 38
I chose
this book because this book had cat in the hat on the front and I have never read
it before. The Cat in the Hat takes us on a tour of the four floors of the rain
forest. He tells us of the different kinds of plants and animals that we find
in the rainforest. He also tells us how things in the rainforest must interact
to survive.
illustrations in this book are very rich in detail. There are so many different
colors. Many of the pages are double page spread. The pictures look like they may have been
done digitally by computer or by pastels. It was very hard to tell, because of
the extent of the drawings. The pictures would be very interesting to just look
at and see all the different things in the rainforest.
This book is
good for children of all ages. There are many ways that I would use this book
in a classroom. One way I would use this book is when talking about the
different floors of the rainforest. This provides a good description on what we
would find on each floor. The book is also good for building vocabulary about
things in the rainforest. I would also use this book when talking about rhymes.
This book has not won any awards.