Title: The Boy
Who Cried Wolf
Author: Eric
Dianne Silverman
Publishing Company:
Picture Window Books
# of Pages: 23
Traditional Literature
I chose
this book because it was one of my favorite books as a child. After a boy gets
tired of watching his sheep, he decides to play a trick on the farmers. He
screams that a wolf is attacking his sheep. The farmers then stop what they are
doing to go chase the wolf away. After doing this several times and finding out
there is no wolf, when a wolf really does attack the farmers do not believe
illustrations in this book were created digitally using a computer. They are
very colorful and vivid. They tell exactly what events are happening in the
story. The illustrations in the book are whole page illustrations with the
words only at the top of the page.
This book
would be great to use with first, second, or third graders. This book can be
used in the classroom in many ways. One way I would use it is to teach children
how important it is to always be honest. I would also show them what can happen
if you do not tell the truth. Another way I would use this book is to allow
children to make connections with the book. If they had been in a similar
situation, I would ask them to write or tell what happened. This book has not won any awards.
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