Title: Zookeepers
Author: Sarah
Illustrator: Not
Publishing Company: Big
Buddy Books
Copyright Date: 2012
# of pages: 32
I used this book for one of my lesson and I thought it was
a very good book. The book Zookeepers
tells about all the different things that a zookeeper does. It talks about the different animals that you
would see in a zoo.They help to take care of the animals and make sure they are
fed. When the animals are sick, they help get them well by giving them
medicine. A zookeeper also cleans the animals and even brushes their teeth.
Near the end of the book it also provides a description of what the first zoo
was like.
The illustrations in this book are actual pictures that are
taken at a zoo. They help to give a visual descriptions of the many things that
zookeepers do. The author wrote words that go with each picture so that we know
exactly what the zookeeper is doing. Most of the words are on one side of the
page and the pictures are on the other.
This book would be great to use with children of all ages.
This book would be good to use in a lesson when you are talking about the
authors purpose for writing. The teacher
can let the kids know that there are three reasons an author writes. This book
can also be used when talking about different jobs. It can also be used when talking about what
the kids want to be when they grow up. This book has not won any awards.
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