Title: Martin’s Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr.
Author: Doreen
Bryan Collier
Publishing Company: Scholastic
Copyright Date:
# of pages: 29
Genre/category: Multicultural
I chose this book because Martin Luther King Jr. is one of my favorite people from history. Martin was born on January 15 in
Atlanta, Georgia. His whole life he had seen signs that said whites only
everywhere he went. He was raised up in
church and had a dream that when he grew up, he would have big words. When he
got older, he became a minister where he taught people that love is the only
way to drive away hate. Martin led a march to do away with segregation and
after ten years he finally won. He went to Tennessee to help garbage collectors
where he was shot and died.
The illustrations in this book
are very elaborate. They are very colorful. They are made using watercolors and
cut paper collages. This is one of the first book I have ever seen that uses
cut paper collages and I think it makes the illustrations beautiful. Some of
the pages have panels and then others are two-page spread. The pictures are full page pictures and greatly
show what Martin went through during his lifetime.
This book would be great for
children in grades three and above. It would be a good book to read while
teaching a history lesson about segregation. It tells about many things that
the blacks went through during this time. Students could also complete a Vein
Diagram comparing the life as a black during this time to the life of a white
person. Students could also have a writing assignment describing how they think
they would have felt if they were a black person living during this time and
what would they do. This book has not won any awards.
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